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Soil and Groundwater Investigation for Priority Sites and Emergency Response Plan

This project focused on Rank A sites for their site investigations in soil and groundwater contaminations. The investigation results showed that 7 sites had the potential to trigger the announcement process of “Contamination Control Site”. In addition, 15 screened sites, classified as Class C and D, were investigated for their groundwater quality. 45 new piezometers were installed at the 15 sites and the analytical results of the groundwater samples showed that there are 14 sites were beyond the “Monitoring Baseline”, and therefore the 14 sites were required to be continuously monitored by law. This project also established a “Risk Assessment System for Soil and Groundwater Contamination on Illegal Waste Disposal Sites” by a spreadsheet method, and constructed an associated “Investigation Guideline for Soil and Groundwater Contamination on Illegal Waste Disposal Sites”. Both can be utilized by environmental protection public sectors as guidance when laws conduct site investigations. Besides, this project also collected 12 case studies of soil and groundwater remediation from Taiwan and other countries, updated “Management System for Illegal Industrial Waste Disposal Sites” of Bureau of Environmental Inspection, Taiwan, consolidated this Management System with “Information Management System for Soil and Groundwater Contamination Sites” of Soil and Groundwater Remediation Fund Management Board, Taiwan, and created two categories of expert data and emergency response data into the database of the Information Management System. Another emphasis of this project is on establishing an emergency response unit to assist Taiwan EPA and local environmental protection public sectors to take necessary steps when handling emergencies. In total, 17 emergency response events were handled and resolved in this project.
illegal disposal site,Soil Investigation,Groundwater Investigation